
What is the Syllabus of CBSE Class 10th Science?


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CBSE syllabus for class 10 science is quite comprehensive which will help you know your course structure.

A syllabus is a compact version of the entire course content in a specific format that can be used by students as well as teachers.

CBSE has released the Syllabus for Class 10 2022 which you can easily find on their official website-

You can check the website directly to know the weightage per topic and prepare accordingly.

In the Syllabus of science class 10 CBSE, there are 5 units carrying 80 marks and 20 marks are allotted to practicals.

CBSE Class 10 Term 1 exam is already over which was concluded on December 11, 2021. CBSE Class 10 Term 2 exams will be conducted in March/April 2022.

Topics Deleted of Syllabus of Science Class 10 CBSE 2022

Chapter 1:- Metals and Non-Metals


Basic Metallurgical processes; Corrosion and its prevention

Chapter 2:- Carbon and its Compounds


● Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups

● Difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

● Chemical properties of carbon compounds.

● Ethanol and Ethanoic acid, soaps and detergents.

Chapter 3:- Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants


● Tropic movements in plants

● Control and coordination in animals

● Nervous system

● Voluntary, involuntary and reflex action

● Chemical coordination

● Animal hormones

Chapter 4:- Heredity and Evolution


● Basic concepts of evolution

Chapter 5:- The Human Eye and the Colorful World


● Functioning of a lens in human eye

● Defects of vision and their corrections

● Applications of spherical mirrors and lenses

Chapter 6:-Effects of Electric Current


● Electric Generator, Direct current.

● Alternating current

● Advantage of AC over DC

● Domestic electric circuits

Chapter 7:-Sources of Energy


● Different forms of energy

● Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy

● Fossil fuels, solar energy

● Biogas; wind, water and tidal energy

● Nuclear energy

● Renewable versus non-renewable sources of Energy

Syllabus of Science Class 10 CBSE 2022

Theory Examinations  80 marks and Internal Assessment 20 marks

Below is the detail of CBSE Class 10 Science syllabus and chapter-wise marks distribution.

Syllabus of Science Class 10 CBSE Theory Examinations (8o marks)

Chapter 1:- Chemical Substances-Nature and Behavior


● Chemical reactions

● Acids, bases and salts

● Metals and nonmetals

● Carbon compounds

● Periodic classification of elements

Total Marks:-25 Marks

Chapter 2:-World of Living


● Life processes

● Control and coordination in animals and plants

● Reproduction

● Heredity and Evolution

Total Marks:-23 Marks

Chapter 3:-Natural Phenomena


● Reflection of light,

● Refraction; Laws of refraction,

● Dispersion of light

● Defects of vision and their corrections

Total Marks:-12 Marks

Chapter 4:-Electric Current& Magnetic Effects


● Electric current

● Ohm’s law

● Potential difference

● Interrelation between P, V, I and R,

● Series & Parallel combination of resistors & capacitors

● Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule

● Electric Motor

● Alternating current: frequency of AC.

● Advantage of AC over DC

Total Marks:-13 Marks

Chapter 5:-Natural Resources


● Sources of energy

● Eco-system

● Coal and Petroleum conservation

● Environmental problems

● Water harvesting

● Ozone depletion

● Forest and wildlife

Total Marks:- 7 Marks

CBSE Class 10 Science Practical Syllabus 2022

(Total:- 20 Marks)

Practicals are the best way to score more so make sure to prepare yourself.


List of Experiments:-

1. Finding the pH:

● Dilute Hydrochloric Acid

● Dilute NaOH solution

● Dilute Ethanoic Acid solution

● Dilute Hydrogen Carbonate solution, etc

2. Observing the following reactions

● Combination reaction

● Decomposition reaction

● Displacement reaction

● Double displacement reaction

3. Test the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals on the below-given salt solutions.

● ZnSO4(aq)

● FeSO4(aq)

● CuSO4(aq)

● Al2 (SO4)3(aq)


List of Experiments:-

1. Learn the difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing through it and determine its resistance.

2. Determine the resistance of two resistors(connected in series and parallel).


List of Experiments:-

1. Show stomata by preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel.

2. Check the following properties of acetic acid (ethanoic acid)

● Odour

● solubility in water

● effect on litmus

● reaction with Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

Syllabus of Science Class 10 CBSE Question Paper 2022

Here are the details of types of questions and marking scheme of the exam.

Typology of Questions:-

1. Remembering:-

It is all about recalling the learned material such as facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers.

7 Objective Type:-(1 marks each)

2 Short Answer:- (3 marks each)

5 Long Answer:- (5 marks each)

2. Understanding:-

Present the understanding of concepts, ideas and facts by structuring, comparing, interpreting, and stating main ideas

4 Objective Type:-(1 marks each)

2 Short Answer:- (3 marks each)

2 Long Answer:- (5 marks each)

3. Applying:-

Apply acquired knowledge, techniques and rules to new situations and find solutions.

4 Objective Type:-(1 marks each)

1 Short Answer:- (3 marks each)

2 Long Answer:- (5 marks each)

4. Analyzing and Evaluating:-

Bifurcate information into parts by analyzing motives or causes. Make conclusions and find evidence to support the statement. Present opinions by gathering information, the validity and the quality of work based on a set of criteria.

5 Objective Type:-(1 marks each)

2 Short Answer:- (3 marks each)

1 Long Answer:- (5 marks each)

5. Creating:-

Collate information together and combine elements in a new pattern to propose alternative solutions.

3 Short Answer:- (3 marks each)

{Objective = 20 questions (1 mark each), Short Answer =10 questions (3 mark each), Long Answer = 6 questions (5 mark each)}

Total Marks=20 + 30+ 30=80


Syllabus of Class 10 Science CBSE Preparation Tips 2022

● Science is one of the most interesting subjects in the CBSE school Class 10th curriculum and if you prepare it by using strategy and given tips, you can score well.

● Complete the science syllabus as soon as possible as it will leave with ample time to revise the entire syllabus and clear all the doubts on time.

● Prepare CBSE Class 10 timetable and note down exam dates and timings so that you can see every day and plan your studies accordingly and finish it before so that you have enough time to revise and practice papers.

● While studying, make personal notes of each chapter so that you can revise daily and do not have to wait for last minute revision.

● Solve previous year’s question papers as it will put you into the habit of writing exams on time and covering the speed. It will help you analyze the mistakes, things you need to improve and also help you to know the type of questions asked frequently.

● Revision is key; the more you revise the better you will score
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